Selasa, 14 Maret 2017

Style 1

Here is my first style outfit of
"Pink always made my day"

Blouse from jrep
Skirt from miulanhijab
Necklace from vanshop
Scraft from elairahijab
Shoes by zappelinshop

Minggu, 05 Maret 2017

pink always made my day!

Pink always made my day! why?

Because pink is the best color to light up your day :p and i prefer to choose the pink one rather than a dark color, i don't know why, maybe it because everyone will choose their favorite color and it depends on what color do you like. I like to express my day through my outfit and i like a kind of smooth color, so let me share to you all about this pink style. wow btw it will be my first style in this blog, enjoy!

how I combine it?
1. my priority in this style is my flowery skirt, so i mix it with also a pink soft hijab to make it more matching. Imagine that you wear a pink skirt and then you try using an electric blue hijab, ooh it will blind my eyes. And anyway, don't ever think that you never worth to wear a flowery skirt or something else that you think you never fit with it. Some people asked me and said that they never suit using any kind of clothes or the stranger clothes for them.I always answer with "The thing that you should think first is confidence." You have to confidence with yourself that you are most beautiful than you ever think, and believe that you are beautiful with that kind of clothes.

2. and then, to make it look like a pastel color, i use the white blouse from @zappelinshop and you can easily find it on instagram

3. what about the color of that shoes? well, actually that's a pink color, and i'm sorry for the lack of the quality of a good picture that make it look like a white shoes.

4. of course, to make an impression on this style, i'm using a color that will make the other people focus on it. yes! that navy necklace.

I call it a pastel style, and what do you think guys?

Hello guys i'm milatinanh, welcome to my lovely blog!
Here, i will share a lot about hijab fashion. 
mm what do you think about hijab fashion? 
Is it only talk about wearing a long clothes with limited colour? of course not.
I'm sure that u guys now wearing a hijab and u need more references;p 
So, enjoy my blog and i'm glad that you give me a critics or comments. Thankyou!